I’m so excited that you have chosen to take this step in your journey of holistic Healing. This is a huge step so I want to say congratulations on making this choice for yourself! 

Breathwork has been one of the most healing and transformative tools on my inner healing and spiritual journey and I have seen it help so many of my clients and students from around the world. I feel so honored to share it with you today as well.

Throughout this week, I will be teaching you ancient techniques of breathing that will bring so many amazing benefits into your life. This practice is best done in consistency, so really challenge yourself to show up everyday and be present for our breathwork sessions. I always tell my students, breathwork is simple, but not easy. Breathwork is work.

Just like any practice, it takes time, consistency and effort. There will be resistance in your mind, body and emotions but just remember that you are the only one that can do this healing work for you. Nobody can breathe for you!

There may be days where you just don’t feel like it and that is normal, but for these next 5 days I invite you to show up for yourself in ways you never have before and stay consistent and focused. These videos and sessions will be available after these 5 days so you can always come back and practice anytime that you want. 

Make sure to Download the Daily Detox Guide which dives a little deeper into the benefits of breathwork and hopefully give you some motivation to get started!. 

Remember, If you want things to change, you have to change things, and this is great start!